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How Many KWh Does an Apartment Use - Nature's Generator

How Many KWh Does an Apartment Use

Curious about your apartment's energy usage? Discover the factors influencing kWh consumption and average monthly figures. Plus, learn tips to reduce your electricity bills while living comfortably

Bills, bills, bills. They just never end. Electric bills, water bills, gas bills, and so on - these utility bills are part of the monthly expenses apartment dwellers need to take care of to live comfortably.

Speaking of electric bills, this is one of the most expensive utilities people pay for. People use a lot of appliances and gadgets that run on electricity when going about their everyday lives. There are also seasons when the demand for electricity increases. The weather can be unforgiving during summer so air conditioning usage goes up and naturally, the electric consumption increases. In wintertime, people need their heaters on and if the heater is not hooked up to gas, expect higher electric bills during this time of the year.

Now the question is, just how many KWh does an apartment use on average?

Apartment kWh Usage in the U.S.

The typical apartment kWh usage in the country is between 400 kWh to 750 kWh per month for compact apartments and for larger apartments, between 880 kWh - 1,200 kWh per month is a good starting point.

However, figuring out the average kilowatt-hour (kWh) consumption for US apartments is like trying to crack a complex problem - there is just no single definitive answer. A range can be provided but an average is quite tricky. Several key variables that are interrelated with each other need to be taken into consideration to find out the answer to this puzzle.

Key Factors that Affect kWh Consumption in an Apartment

There are several factors that play an integral part in terms of the energy consumption in an apartment. Let us take a closer look at these key points to get a better understanding of the electricity demands of apartment units.

How Big Is The Apartment - As with any living space, size is a major determinant of energy use. Larger apartments demand more electricity to maintain comfortable temperatures and power appliances.  A studio apartment might utilize a modest 400 kWh per month, while a sprawling penthouse could reach a staggering 2,000 kWh monthly.

Where Is The Apartment Situated -  Location! Location! It’s all about location!  Where you reside in the country significantly impacts electricity consumption. Places where scorching summers and frigid winters are experienced would require more energy for air conditioning and heating respectively. Apartments in the southern part of the US might use more electricity for air conditioning to combat the relentless heat. As for their northern counterparts, it is the opposite scenario. They rely heavily on heating during extended winters.

How Many Household Appliances Are There And How Often Are They Used -  The type and efficiency of appliances apartment residents, along with their electric usage habits, play a major part in kWh consumption.  Energy-star rated appliances are champions of efficiency, while older, less efficient models gobble up electricity. Similarly, keeping the lights on in unoccupied rooms or neglecting to unplug or turn off electronics on standby mode can contribute to higher kWh usage.

Are They Using Heating and Cooling Systems -  The source of your creature comforts at home is very important. This can include electric heating and air conditioning systems to keep the house warm and cozy during winter and cool and comfy during summer. Using these systems though will also mean that you will have a higher kWh consumption compared to those utilizing gas-powered systems.  Electricity is inherently less efficient for space conditioning, so apartments with electric systems will see a corresponding increase in their electricity bills.

How Many Occupants Are Living In The Apartment -  The number of residents directly affects electricity usage. More occupants would naturally mean an increase in energy needs such as appliance use and, hot water consumption. On the opposite side of things, a single person dwelling would of course, consume less electricity than let us say a family of four.

How Old Is The Apartment Building -  The age and overall efficiency of the building itself are also important elements that need to be considered when moving into an apartment. Older buildings may have less efficient insulation and appliances, leading to higher kWh usage. Modern buildings, on the other hand, are typically constructed with energy-saving principles in mind, utilizing better insulation materials and more efficient appliances.

Things to Consider Before Moving into An Apartment

Moving into a new apartment can be a daunting task since there are a lot of factors that a person needs to take into consideration. In this section, we are going to focus on the power consumption side of things. Keep going and find out the factors that you need to bear in mind before deciding which apartment suits you best.

  • Be mindful of the apartment size that you are getting. Remember, larger square footage generally correlates with higher kWh consumption so make sure to choose the size that is based on your needs.

  • Investigate the energy efficiency of the appliances that come with the apartment. Look for Energy Star labels when considering appliances. Newer, energy-star rated appliances promote lower electricity use.

  • Research the local climate. Understanding the climate of the area where you are planning to stay will help you anticipate potential high-usage periods. Areas with extreme temperatures tend to have higher kWh consumption.

  • Ask around the apartment complex for electric bill ideas. Consult with the landlord or previous tenants regarding average electricity bills. This can provide valuable real-world data on the apartment's energy consumption. Talking to past residents can offer insights into how their habits impacted the electricity usage.
Ways to Reduce kWh Usage In Your Apartment

Now that you know the key aspects that affect the kWh usage in an apartment, the next step is to identify ways on how to minimize electric consumption without sacrificing comfort. Below are recommendations that you may want to bear in mind.

  • Embrace the power of natural light and take advantage of of this free resource whenever possible. Open curtains and blinds during the day to illuminate your living space and reduce reliance on artificial lighting.

  • Consider using alternative power sources such as solar energy. Portable solar generators are slowly becoming a household staple when it comes to backup power source and for some, main power source. Nature’s Generator is one of the trusted brands in solar generators that offer a variety of options depending on a resident’s power needs. Nature’s Generato Elite is perfect as a backup power source when a blackout occurs in your apartment.

  • Adjust your thermostat settings strategically. While there are plenty of energy saving air conditioning out there in the market that promises low energy consumption, you need to do your part and make sure that you know how to enable the energy saving feature and maximize it. A few degrees cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer can significantly reduce energy consumption for space conditioning.

  • Do not forget to unplug unused electronics. Phantom energy drain from electronics in standby mode can silently add to your kWh usage. Unplug electronics when not in use to eliminate this hidden energy consumption.

  • Invest in high quality power strips. Power strips with on/off switches allow you to easily power down electronics entirely, eliminating phantom energy drain.

  • Learn how to do the laundry efficiently. Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible and air-dry clothes whenever weather permits. These simple changes can significantly reduce the energy consumption of your laundry routine.

Implementing these conservation practices will make you enjoy a more sustainable and cost-effective living environment in your US apartment.

Final Thoughts

There are several crucial factors that you need to consider if you want to identify the average KWh in a month an apartment unit consumes such as size of the apartment, location of the unit, number of dwellers, and the age of the building. The good news is that there many ways that you can do to minimize your energy consumption, save money and even contribute to a greener future.


* We want to give credit where credit is due. Professional writer, Ann Mathew, contributed research and content to this blog titled: How Many KWh Does an Apartment Use Thank you, Ann, for your contributions!