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Amps to Watts - Nature's Generator

Amps to Watts

Electricity has become an indispensable part of our daily lives, and its absence is immediately noticeable. This blog delves into the relationship between amps and volts, and watts to unravel the mystery behind these electrical terms.

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Electricity has become one of our constant companions in our daily lives. It has made our lives easier and more comfortable. And, we know what it feels like when the electricity goes out immediately. While we can survive without it, prolonged outages can be discomforting. 

So, having your own home battery backup is something to think about instead of just relying on the power grid. However, it is worth knowing and understanding electrical measurements such as amps and watts when dealing with everyday electrical appliances.

You don’t need to be an expert on the topic, but it is good to be well-informed. That’s why in this blog we’ll explore the relationship between amps and volts and discover the mystery behind these electrical terms

Define Amps, Watts, and Volts

Amps short for amperes, is the unit used to measure the number of electrons that flow through point A to point B a.k.a electrical current. The best way to compare it is like when you’re watering your backyard or lawn using a hose. The more water that’s flowing through your hosepipes, the stronger the current will be. 

To calculate for a item’s volts, the formula is: 

Amps = Watts/Volts 

For example: 

= 3600 watts / 240 volts = 15 amps


Meanwhile, volts are the measurement of force or pressure needed for an electrical current to flow through a wire. Voltage is the force that pushes the electrical current through a circuit, allowing it to go from a higher potential to a lower potential. 

Following the earlier comparison, you can consider volts as your hosepipe’s water pressure that allows the water to flow. 

For example, an air conditioner, a washing machine, and a refrigerator require 240V to operate. Meanwhile, light bulbs, computers, and TVs needed 120V to operate. 

To calculate for a item’s volts, the formula is: 

Volts = Watts/Amps 

For example: 

= 2400 watts / 20 amps = 120 volts


Watts, on the other hand, is the power a gadget or appliance consumes when being used. The rule of thumb is that the higher the wattage is then that meant more power and output from the appliance. To get the watts, you need to multiply amps and volts. 

To finish off our hosepipe comparison, the water being released by the hose refers to watts.

Watts = Amps X Volts

For example, if your appliances uses 20 amps and 240 volts, the wattage will be: 

Watts = 20 amps X 240 volts 

          = 4800 watts

How to Convert Amps to Watts in AC Vs DC Circuits

We’re all familiar with AC/DC (No, not referring to the band) but alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC). 

Alternating current or AC power is commonly used today in our modern electrical grid. Most appliances run using AC power. This is because this type of electricity is easier to transmit over long distances without having to experience any losses. 

Meanwhile, direct current or direct power can be found on devices or gadgets that rely on batteries to operate.

Converting Amps to Watts for Single-Phase AC Circuits

The conversion formula is watts = amps x volts x power factor / W = A x V x PF

For example, a phone charger has 0.7 amps as output at 100 - 200 volts and has a 0.5 power factor. 

= 0.7 A x 120 V x 0.5 PF

=42 watts

Converting Amps to Watts in a DC Circuit

The conversion formula is watts = amps x volt / W = A x V

For example, your solar panel has a rated output of 5.41 amps at 18.5 volts. 

=5.41a x 18.5v

=100.085 watts

Provided below are tables converting amps to watts for common AC and DC voltages.

Amps to Watts at 5V (DC)

Amps (A)

Volts (V)

Watts (W)

1 A

5 V

5 W

2 A

5 V

10 W

3 A

5 V

15 W

4 A

5 V

20 W

5 A

5 V

25 W

6 A

5 V

30 W

7 A

5 V

35 W

8 A

5 V

40 W

9 A

5 V

45 W

10 A

5 V

50 W


Amps to Watts at 12V (DC)

Amps (A)

Volts (V)

Watts (W)

1 A

12 V

12 W

2 A

12 V

24 W

3 A

12 V

36 W

4 A

12 V

48 W

5 A

12 V

60 W

6 A

12 V

72 W

7 A

12 V

84 W

8 A

12 V

96 W

9 A

12 V

108 W

10 A

12 V

120 W


Amps to Watts at 24V (DC)

Amps (A)

Volts (V)

Watts (W)

1 A

24 V

24 W

2 A

24 V

48 W

3 A

24 V

72 W

4 A

24 V

96 W

5 A

24 V

120 W

6 A

24 V

144 W

7 A

24 V

168 W

8 A

24 V

192 W

9 A

24 V

216 W

10 A

24 V

240 W


Amps to Watts at 36V (DC)

Amps (A)

Volts (V)

Watts (W)

1 A

36 V

36 W

2 A

36 V

72 W

3 A

36 V

108 W

4 A

36 V

144 W

5 A

36 V

180 W

6 A

36 V

216 W

7 A

36 V

252 W

8 A

36 V

288 W

9 A

36 V

324 W

10 A

36 V

360 W


Amps to Watts at 48V (DC)

Amps (A)

Volts (V)

Watts (W)

1 A

48 V

48 W

2 A

48 V

96 W

3 A

48 V

144 W

4 A

48 V

192 W

5 A

48 V

240 W

6 A

48 V

288 W

7 A

48 V

336 W

8 A

48 V

384 W

9 A

48 V

432 W

10 A

48 V

480 W


Amps to Watts at 110V (AC)

Amps (A)

Volts (V)

Watts (W)

1 A

110 V

110 W

2 A

110 V

220 W

3 A

110 V

330 W

4 A

110 V

440 W

5 A

110 V

550 W

6 A

110 V

660 W

7 A

110 V

770 W

8 A

110 V

880 W

9 A

110 V

990 W

10 A

110 V



Amps to Watts at 120V (AC)

Amps (A)

Volts (V)

Watts (W)

1 A

120 V

120 W

2 A

120 V

240 W

3 A

120 V

360 W

4 A

120 V

480 W

5 A

120 V

600 W

6 A

120 V

720 W

7 A

120 V

840 W

8 A

120 V

960 W

9 A

120 V

1080 W

10 A

120 V

1200 W


Amps to Watts at 220V (AC)

Amps (A)

Volts (V)

Watts (W)

1 A

220 V

220 W

2 A

220 V

440 W

3 A

220 V

660 W

4 A

220 V

880 W

5 A

220 V

1100 W

6 A

220 V

1320 W

7 A

220 V

1540 W

8 A

220 V

1760 W

9 A

220 V

1980 W

10 A

220 V

2200 W


Amps to Watts at 230V (AC)

Amps (A)

Volts (V)

Watts (W)

1 A

230 V

230 W

2 A

230 V

460 W

3 A

230 V

690 W

4 A

230 V

920 W

5 A

230 V

1150 W

6 A

230 V

1380 W

7 A

230 V

1610 W

8 A

230 V

1840 W

9 A

230 V

2070 W

10 A

230 V

2300 W


Amps to Watts at 240V (AC)

Amps (A)

Volts (V)

Watts (W)

1 A

240 V

240 W

2 A

240 V

480 W

3 A

240 V

720 W

4 A

240 V

960 W

5 A

240 V

1200 W

6 A

240 V

1440 W

7 A

240 V

1680 W

8 A

240 V

1920 W

9 A

240 V

2160 W

10 A

240 V

2400 W



In conclusion, understanding the relationship between amps, volts, and watts is important when dealing with electrical appliances and circuits. 

Remember, amps measure the flow of electrical current, volts measure the electrical pressure, and watts measure the power consumed by an electrical device. 

By understanding these electrical terms, you can make informed decisions about electrical safety and efficiency.

But if you need more information and assistance on choosing the right Nature’s Generator set-up for your household needs, feel free to contact us.


 * We want to give credit where credit is due. Professional writer, Cris Ilao, contributed research and content to this blog titled: Amps to Watts Thank you, Cris, for your contributions!